Your profile is located in the Settings menu. Here you can change your Name, Company Name, Profile Image, etc.
To access your profile, locate the ‘Settings’ button near the bottom of the page in the left-hand panel. Then click ‘Settings’ and ‘Profile’.

Next, let’s navigate to the profile tab to see what information we can change.
Your Personal Information & Profile
First off, your username cannot be changed. This information is set at the time you register and is how the options software uniquely identifies you from another trader. However, you may change your First and Last Name (don’t worry this information is internal) as well as your Nickname.
Currently the Brutus Options Ranker does not have any social features to allow you to interact with other traders. We plan to have this feature relatively soon. Your nickname will be used to identify you when that feature goes live.
Additionally, you can add your biographical information in the “About Yourself” section. This may be shown publicly. Therefore, it’s best to keep it clean and only provide information that you feel comfortable sharing with other users.

Privacy and Password
You may want to generate a new login password for the site. To do this, simply click the ‘Generate Password’ button.
Next, upload an image or a picture of yourself to share on the website. Important to remember that the image will be viewable to other users when the social features go live, so always share images you feel comfortable with. Your image may not exceed10mb.
If you make any changes in your profile section, always remember to click the ‘Update Profile’ button at the bottom of the page. This will save all the changes you made. If you do not do this, your changes will not save and the profile will not update.

We hope this article helped you get a better feel for what information you can update in your profile page. During the beta of the Brutus Options Ranker, this information will be kept private, but it is important to note that when a social feature is introduced that some of this information, as described above, may be publicly available.