Here you’ll find helpful definitions and resources for the available criteria to add to your Brutus Options Ranker strategies.
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Max Return
The maximum possible return in total dollars for the minimum size of the trade.
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Current Options Volume vs 20d Avg Ratio
Current options volume across all puts and calls on the underlying vs. the 20d average
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Short Ratio
The short ratio divides the number of shares short in the underlying stock by its average daily trading volume
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1y Annualized Std Deviation of Intraday Volatility
Annualized standard deviation of statistical volatility for one year
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1y Annualized Std Deviation of IVs
The annualized standard deviation of the 30d underlying IV
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20d Avg Options Volume
The average option volume over the last 20 trading days for the underlying across all strikes, expirations, and types.
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IV 30d Correlation to SPY IV (1m)
Underlying 30d IV (w/o Earnings) Correlated to SPY IV 30d over a 1-month timeframe